Monday, September 8, 2008

Still Waiting!

Don and Matt called the Transmigrante Office today to check on Don's title. They told them that it will be in US Customs for 72 hours and they will not be able to cross the border until Thursday. Because of Matt's timeline constraints, it sounds like he will not be driving through Mexico with Don. He has actually changed his flights so that he will be flying back to North Carolina tomorrow. However, the people who are "housing" Don until he leaves have another guy, John Villanueva, who may be able to go with Don. He has travelled through Mexico before and is very fluent in Spanish. He is on vacation right now and will fly back to Houston on Wednesday. He works with the same ministry, Agape in Action. The other 4runner is actually in his name as part of the ministry so this may actually help them have less issues at the border. This will also allow them to not have to rush through Mexico because they won't be able to cross the Guatemalan border on the weekend. They won't have to be there until Monday. The kids and I have just been praying for the Lord's plan and for Don to have peace about all of this change. In the meantime, Don is trying to help them with their ministry in any way that he can. When I talked to him, he was running some errands for them in Houston. We will just wait on the Lord and His timing, trusting that His way is the best way.

The kids and I have started packing. We have two bags ready to go. A lady who read about us in the Blair newspaper came to our door today. She gave us a little note and some money for our trip. The generosity of others continues to humble and overwhelm us. The Lord is providing for us in so many ways! I will post more when I know more! Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Nancy A Larson said...

We've all been thinking about you guys. It's a bummer about the hold up in Texas waiting the for title to go through, but I know everything will work out. Didn't Don need to purchase a cowboy hat for Guatemala anyway?:) I'm sure they have a few nice ones in Houston. Take care, Jamie Kelly