Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Acayucan, Mexico

Don called from Acayucan, Mexico (see map) tonight at 10 pm. They had a good day of driving (no police stops) but they didn't quite get as far as they wanted. They are still 8 and a half hours from the border. They are going to get up early and try to make it across tomorrow. However they may just get to the border tomorrow night and cross early on Thursday. Guatemala City is about 5 hours from the border. Don needs to be in the City by 9 pm on Thursday to pick the kids and I up from the airport. I have great peace that the timing of all this will just fit together. The Lord is good and faithful and trustworthy. I am glad that He is in control and not us! I will let you know when I know more. Blessings!

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