Saturday, September 27, 2008


These are the pictures that we wanted to load the last two days. The first are some of the puppies at the Home that Bethany took.

These are pictures that Caleb took of the kids on the computers. We had four of the five up and running with the fun games that the Schultz's and family provided. We are going to need to find a different mouse for the fifth computer. We are hoping to find one so we can get that one up and running too.

Today is clinic in Canilla so we have to go get breakfast going. We will try to post again soon! Blessings!


Agape In Action said...

they have tons of computer store in Quiche if you need a new mouse...

Matt and Kris said...

Don and Lori

It is so good to read your blog and see the kids back in Guatemala. Kris and I were taxing our memories trying to figure out what parts of the home are in each picture. We are praying for you and enjoing our time in Costa Rica.

God Bless
