Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday Morning

Dad had a pretty quiet night last night - better than the night before. He is having throat pain from the vent tube and it seems a little worse in the night - maybe because he is distracted during the day??

He has been on cPap mode since about 6 this morning and is doing very well. The resident would like to extend his time on it today and see how he does. It is good exercise but they don't want him too tired. It is a balance, like everything else.

He feels really good. He told me that he feels like he could get up and walk until he actually stands up. Then he feels light-headed and weak. It is just going to take some time to get his strength back but even feeling that good while he is laying down is improvement.

He and I are doubtful that he will be weaned off of the vent before Thursday morning. He knows he needs to keep trying and exercising but we are thinking the trach is the best option for him. Many doctors/nurses etc. have told us that the improvement speeds up tremendously once patients have the trach. He will be more mobile b/c the trach is a more secure air source than the vent tube down his throat. He will also be able to talk which will be a relief to those of us not so good at charades! He is writing more now so that is helping with the communication some.

I have not heard any white count numbers or have anything new "number-wise" to report. He just feels so much better that I am thinking the pneumonia must be about gone. He is having some issues with nausea but they have medicine for that as well!

When I was sitting in his room in the dark this morning, I was thinking how grateful I am for all of these machines. With their loud beeps and alarms and blinking lights, they are annoying at times but I am so thankful that they are here to help Dad.

This was in my Bible reading this morning:

"But you, O Lord,
are a God of compassion and mercy,
slow to get angry
and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness." Psalm 86:15

This morning I am so thankful for His compassion, mercy, love and faithfulness. This has been a much longer journey than we anticipated but we know that we are not walking it alone! Blessings on your day!

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