Saturday, April 21, 2012

Saturday Morning

Dad had a great day yesterday, at least in the area of breathing. He was on the cPap for 9 hours which was great exercise for his lung. They are trying to get him down to a level where they can extubate which would mean no more ventilator! Please keep praying for his lung to continue to heal and for his diaphragm to get stronger so they can get him off of this machine.

Dad is having some issues with diahrea. They think it is the combination of the bactrim (very high dose) and the anti-nausea medicine. He did not get up and walk or even stand yesterday because of how bad the diahrea was. We are praying that it is not a bug. We don't want anything to slow down his progress.

It is a little active in here this morning. He just told me that he has been awake since 2 am and it is now 5 am. He has lots of secretions, he had to use the bedpan, his pic line isn't working so lab had to come to draw blood etc. etc. Please pray for peace in this room so he can rest. His nights have a huge impact on the productivity of the next day. Soon the doctors will be arriving so I am praying for a very restful, peaceful time before the next interruption.

Dad's white count remained about the same yesterday - at about 12.5 or so. His xray showed that his lung is continuing to get clearer. His doctors were very optimistic. I will post another entry once we have updated information for today. Thanks for your prayers.

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