Monday, April 16, 2012


Dad is doing well. He has had a busy day today. He did great with his physical therapy but it tired him out. His sat numbers have been great all day. He is doing 2 hours of the forced pressure mode and then 2 hours of cPap mode where he does most of the work himself.

His white count is at about 15 today. Yesterday they told us 11 but apparently they looked at it wrong b/c the nurse today said that it was about the same yesterday. They did identify the bacteria that he is still fighting and were able to take him off of one of the antibiotics. He is only on the cipro now.

He does very well during the day but seems to have some anxiety at night. We are thinking that we may need to be here more during the night so he feels "safe". He says that he has these thoughts of "I can't walk, I can't talk, and I can't breathe" then he panics. Please pray for peace for him especially during the night.

The surgeon has scheduled his tracheostomy on Thursday at 9 am if he is not able to wean off of the vent before then. There are definite benefits to having the trach so we have alot of peace about it. We want to do whatever he needs to do to get better.

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