Monday, April 9, 2012

Slow Steps

Dad is doing well. The white blood cell count is down to 15. We are very happy about the continued decrease. Dad is responding and has his eyes open occasionally. He is nodding or shaking his head when we ask him about pain or if he is hot. It is nice to be able to communicate with him a little bit more.

He is having a little bit of trouble taking deep breaths so they have put his oxygen percent back up to 55% but the PEEP number (pressure of the air going in) is lower. Any damage to the lung would be caused by the high pressure so they would like to keep the PEEP number low. (It has been as high as 20 but is now down to an 8).

Dad won't like me talking about his bowel movements for the world to hear, but he can't argue right now so here we go! Pooping is a big deal at the hospital so we are excited to report that Dad has had some success today. He has been a little uncomfortable so we are hoping that this will help. (Dad - when you are better and read this just know that Mom wanted me to add this part!)

Dr. Lackner said that we have to take slow steps and that Dad could be on the vent as long as two weeks. We are praying against this timeline. We know we need to be patient but we also know that the Lord is bigger than all of this. We know that He has His own timeline and His own plan.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD." Isaiah 55:8


SWeidner said...

Way to throw your mom under the proverbial bus. :-) Glad to hear he's making progress!

Cheryl said...

progress is progress... Keep it goin!
Continued prayers.....

Cheryl and Jamie