Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sunday Morning

After storms yesterday, sun is shining in the window as I write this entry. The morning is calm outside and inside as well. Jim is resting comfortably, pain controlled, numbers all look good. His white count is down to 11. They are alternating the vent from higher support and less support (cpap) every two hours during the day and will leave him on more support overnight. Peep is at 8 and Oxygen is at 55%. Jim is using an alphabet board to spell out words and doing things like adjusting his bed himself.

There continue to be rumors of a trach at the end of this week if he still requires the vent. The more people we talk to, the less it feels like a step backwards. If it is needed, it will be more comforatble and 'efficient' allowing for quicker healing of his lung.

We are thankful for forward progress even if it is not as quick as we would like. And again, we are so thankful for the great caregivers working with Jim and for all of your prayers. Have a happy Sabbath - a day of rest.

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