Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Straw

This morning the physical therapist came in just as I was ready to leave. She is so good at what she does so I decided to see what she was going to make Dad do. She had him do some exercises in bed yet gave him the grace to rest as he needed. She did get him to stand and march in place. It was hard for him but he did a great job. She told us to breathe through a coffee straw if we wanted to get an understanding of how he is feeling. I am thinking I am going to get the straws out with the kids tonight as we talk and pray about Dad. It will be a good perspective for all of us!

Dad has had a good day. He has been on cPap all day which is great exercise for his lung. His oxygen percentage has been 55 or 60 all day. This too high to wean him off of the ventilator. Please pray for his lung to continue to heal so that this percentage can go down. It needs to be down to 40 before they will try to wean him. The doctors are all very positive and are talking about a couple more days. We are very excited about this possibility - it will be a week tomorrow since they had to intubate him.

Please pray for sleep for him tonight as well. He did not sleep well last night so we are trying to keep him a little bit more awake during the day today. Mom is going to stay later into the evening so maybe that will help as well. Jen came and took her to Walmart so she could have a little bit of a break. A change of scenery does wonders! Thanks for praying!

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

It will be 3 weeks tomorrow since you started this journey. The strength and endurance that you have all shown Jim is amazing. Prayers for things to start progressing and your continued strength as we know you all must be very tired. Please don't hesitate to call if there is anything at all that we can do to make this journey easier for you. God Bless,

Cheryl and Jamie