Thursday, March 22, 2012

Very Long Day

We spoke with the surgeon just a few minutes ago. He did confirm that he took the entire left lung. He said that the tumor was a little larger than he had expected (as compared to the CT scan) and was extending into the surrounding lung tissue. Because of this, the surgeon had to resect the blood vessels further back toward the heart. As a result, the bottom lobe of the lung could not be safely spared. Our number one priority today was for all of the cancer to be removed, even if that resulted in a more extensive surgery. The breathing tube has been removed and Jim is resting, recovering from the sedation. As of right now, he is in the process of being moved from recovery into his hospital room.

It has been a very long day. Thank you for all of your thoughts, your prayers, your notes, messages, food, etc, etc, etc. We appreciate it all very much. We would also appreciate continued prayers for a quick uncomplicated recovery and negative margins on the pathology report.

Cards can be mailed to the hospital at the following address:
James Kooiman
Patient Mail Hospital room #7837
PO BOX 6159
Omaha, NE 68106-0159


Cheryl said...

Continued prayers for an complicated recovery......

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help......

Cheryl and Jamie Campbell

Cheryl said...

I'm sure you know that I meant UN complicated recovery. God shine on you and surround you with his healing hands!

Cheryl and Jamie Campbell