Thursday, March 29, 2012

Physical and Emotional

Physically Dad is doing awesome. He only has 2 bags hanging from I.V. pole. He is up more and moving around - slowly but moving is moving! He is eating pretty well, his oxygen is good and his heart is staying in a nice rhythm. Emotionally, he is up and down.

The pathology report yesterday was a big downer. We are so focused on getting through this surgery that we kind of "forgot" about the cancer. The surgeon had thought the stage was more like a 1 or 2. Having the pathology report say a "3a" was tough. However, the more I thought about it, I am seeing the Lord's favor in the midst of it. If the surgeon had realized how big the tumor was or how close to the heart, he may have wanted chemo first or he may have said he wouldn't be able to operate. We want to be thankful not worried!

After the pathology report, everything else seemed to be "clouded". A lung xray came back and was "worse" than the day before. A nurse coordinator came in and explained about going home and how some of that would work. Mom and Dad took that information the wrong way and it depressed them.

In reality, the lung xray was pretty much the same as it had been and actually showed improvement today. The nurse coordinator was just trying to convey that he was here to help them get whatever they needed when the time came for them to go home.

The "dark cloud" had settled in for the day and was making everything harder. Our goal for today is to be positive and motivated. Please pray for Dad's emotional health as well as his physical. Please pray for Mom to trust in the Lord and not get fearful or anxious. We are giving Mom a little break today - she may be spending the night plus she just needs to get out of the hospital periodically.

We are just trying to take one day at a time, trusting that the Lord is holding this all in the palm of His hand.

"Show love to the Lord your God by walking in his ways and holding tightly to him." Deut. 11:27b (emphasis mine)

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