Saturday, March 24, 2012

Favor received!

The Lord is so faithful! The day is coming to an end and Dad is still in the ICU but we have seen lots of improvement today.

I think I wrote earlier that we were hoping he would urinate more to help the potassium level as well as the fluid on the lung. For those of you that are medical people, he urinated over a liter of fluid in 8 hours. They are confident that his potassium is lower and won't even check it again until morning.

They took another chest xray this afternoon and it showed marked improvement in his lung. It showed a definite decrease in the fluid (decreased right basilar opacity - Don is here with me now!)

He is now getting 50% oxygen which is down from the 65% from this morning. His heart rate has now returned to a more "normal" level.

Mom is really excited that he is using his hands more and he is doing great with his coughs. His color is better and he seems to be much more relaxed. We are really encouraged. There has been a little bit of talk of moving him back to a regular room tomorrow but we will wait and see.

Thank you so much for your prayers. Mom will stay here tonight. She is really tired but wants Jen and I to be with our families tonight. Please pray that she gets some sleep. We will get her out of here as soon as we can tomorrow morning! Blessings!

1 comment:

KJ said...

This is GREAT news! All of you have been in our thoughts and prayers today knowing that Jim had been move back to the ICU. I know you were waiting for the fluid levels to decrease and it sounds like that is occurring! It was a great relief to see your latest update and we will continue to pray for Jim's continued improvement. Kevin J.