Saturday, March 31, 2012

Forward Progress

"The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe." Proverbs 18:10

A friend (who recently walked through cancer with her dad) shared this verse with me and it has repeatedly encouraged me over the last week as Dad has been in the hospital. How thankful we are that Jesus is our STRONG TOWER and in Him we are SAFE!

Thursday and Friday were days of amazing progress for Dad! I (Jennifer) only had to be away from the hospital for a few hours to find everything different when I returned - one by one reduction of the medicines being given through IV, removal of the epidural, eating solid foods once again, getting up and out of the bed, walking in the hall, and so much more. Of course, there have also been a few bumps in the road (such as the pathology report and anticipating chemotherapy and radiation) but still there is no doubt that God has been and will continue to show Himself faithful in Dad's healing. He is our STRONG TOWER!

One little bump that we have been waiting to get over is Dad's lack of voice. Since his surgery he has only been able to speak a little above a whisper. First, we thought it was from the breathing tube used during surgery (a normal occurance). But yesterday, the surgeon, Dr. Lackner, said that he believes one of Dad's vocal cords is paralyzed. The removal of the lymph nodes during surgery was in very close proximity to the vocal cords and resulted in one of them being "caught in the crossfire." This means that the Ear, Nose and Throat doctors will need to see him, and then they will do a procedure that will help to correct the problem. We are hopeful that Dad will be able to have this done on Monday. Even though it is another hurdle to cross, I think Dad is just thankful to know that something can be done to help him get his voice back. Please pray that Dad can get in the schedule on Monday and that the procedure will be successful. Thank you!

We had a good night at the hospital Friday night; there were many fewer interruptions in our sleep because Dad is doing so well and there is less the nurses need to do for him. This morning, Mom reported that Dad's x-ray is once again clear and the right lung looks great! Also this morning, he was up and out in the hallway for another walk; here is a picture.

I didn't catch him with the best expression on his face (he really was happier than he looks in the picture!), but at least you can see that he is making forward progress! He will be moving to a regular room as soon as one becomes available; hopefully sometime today.

Thank you so much for continuing to pray for Dad as well as for the rest of us. Dad told me this morning that he is amazed at all of the people who are praying and who have sent cards and visited him. The Lord is using you; you are a blessing to us!

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