Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Continuation of our FAQs series:

3.  What will you be doing in Guatemala?

As many of you know, our family has been travelling to Guatemala for the past 11 years.  We have gone on short-term trips with teams as well as with just our family.  We lived in Guatemala for 7 months in 2008/2009 and have continued to return every year since.  When we go, we serve with 2 ministries located in the highlands of Guatemala within the Department of Quiche.  

Adonai International Ministries (AIM) is a ministry that serves the Guatemalan people primarily through agriculture, medicine and nutrition.  While we are there, Don serves within their regular clinics.

I serve within the area of finances.  As we have returned to Guatemala year after year, we have developed a deep friendship with the people who founded the ministry more than 10 years ago.  For many years, we prayed about coming alongside them in a more long-term way, but the Lord kept asking us to wait for His timing and purposes. . . until now.  

The Lord had given AIM a vision for a hospital that would serve the people without access or funds for the national hospital. Recently, the Lord has opened the doors to make this vision a reality.  The ministry has purchased land which is being prepared for construction. See this previous post for more info. 

Our family will step into all that we can do to support the ministry and the hospital.  There is so much more going on (a nursing school, the widow's project, the prayer room, etc.etc.) but our primary role will be that of support - medically for Don and financially for me - as the ministry moves into this next season. 

Our heart is also to help with the teams that come to Guatemala.  We love seeing people experience new places and cultures!  This team from Arkansas came with us in 2014.  It was so fun to see the Lord move in each of them as they stepped out of their comfort zones.

The second ministry that we serve with is a children's home about 30 minutes from AIM.  We have a relationship with the workers and the kids that we plan on fostering and deepening while we are in Guatemala.  We will serve and work and play as much as we can with our friends at the home.

Outside of the work within these 2 ministries, we will be homeschooling our own kids and doing the other daily tasks of just living.  We will be building family time into our schedule just like we do in the States.  We will be living within a community of others that will also be serving.  We pray that we will be a blessing as we figure out how to do life in a different culture and with lots of new people.

4.  Will you be able to receive mail/packages while living there?

It is funny to me how often we get asked this question.  We can receive envelopes - big and little.  

When we lived there in 2008, my mom and sister would buy the largest padded manila envelope that they could find and stuff it full. It was a definite highlight for all of us!  Generally, we cannot receive boxes. They get lost in Guatemala City - either because of customs or theft.  

So then the next question is "How will you get your curriculum etc. for school?"  We will be asking teams and individuals who come to Guatemala to bring things with them for us.  This will be especially true for Caleb's college courses.  I am trying to buy most of what we will need for school now so that we can take it with us; however, there are always things that come up or that were forgotten.  It is not an option to order on Amazon and use your prime membership to get your books in 2 days!  I am going to have to plan around times that people are coming to visit or figure out how to get by without. 

Or all of our friends and family need to plan a trip now to come and visit us!  

Our mailing address will be:

Donald Allison
c/o Duane Ficker
Canillá, El Quiché 14014
Guatemala, C.A.

Stayed tuned as we continue with this series . . . 

 I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. For in him you have been enriched in every way. . .   I Corinthians 1:4-5

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