Sunday, September 21, 2014


We have decided to do a series of posts entitled 'FAQs' because we are getting questions about our move and many of them are the same.  We will try to pick the most common ones but feel free to ask more!!

1.  Are you selling your house?

Yep, next question?  

Just kidding! Yes, we are selling our house.  We will be gone for 3 years (at least) and the idea of trying to rent and manage it while we are gone is a little overwhelming. We are currently working on 'finishing' things that we didn't make time for over the past 11 years.  If you are on facebook, you saw our back porch project!

 Yesterday, Don replaced some boards as well as primed and painted the pillars on our front porch.

Because of hail damage, we just had the roof and siding replaced. 

We are almost done with the outside.  We need to paint the 1st floor and basement as well as some other projects on the inside.  We hope to have it on the market in October.  So . . . if anyone is in the market, let us know!! ;)

2.  How are your kids with moving?  Will Caleb go with you?

For the most part, the kids are excited!  They love Guatemala and have friends there; however, they also have lots of friends here.  We know that it is going to be hard for all of us to say good-bye.  We are trying not to focus on the end but are really trying to make the most of the time between now and then.  It is a balancing act of getting stuff done while spending time with our friends.  We are so thankful for technology.  We can facebook, facetime, skype, email, blog etc. from Guatemala.  The world is so connected today. 

As for Caleb, he will graduate from high school this December.  He has decided to come with us to Guatemala for at least a year.  He is working on a B.S. in Criminal Justice with a criminal psychology cognate from Liberty University online.  He has about 15 courses to complete (5 of which will be done before we move).  He will complete the remaining 10 or so while we are in Guatemala and graduate next fall. He is praying about applying to the Drug Enforcement Agency when he is 21; however, in the meantime, he plans to seek the Lord and the purposes that He has for his life. 

He knows that the Lord's plan for him while in Guatemala is to focus on the prayer room.  In drawing up the blueprints for the hospital, we included a room to be used exclusively for worship and prayer. Although the hospital is not yet built, the prayer room has started with a few 2-hour sets a week. Caleb's plan is to raise funds for the sound equipment needed to get the prayer room established as well as lead some of the prayer sets.  

3.  What will you be doing in Guatemala?

Ok, the answer to this question is way too long to add to this post!  Stay tuned for more FAQs!  Thanks for reading! 

I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. For in him you have been enriched in every way. . .   I Corinthians 1:4-5

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