Friday, October 10, 2014


Continuation of our FAQs series:

5.  Will Don be getting a salary while you are in Guatemala?

A patient at the clinic just asked Don this question yesterday. However, this was definitely not the first time that he has been asked.  The short answer is 'no' which leads to several follow-up questions, but let's focus on this one first!

The two ministries that we serve within Guatemala are completely donor-supported. If we take our family of six down to live and work, our cost of living expenses will take away from the support that the ministries can use to serve the people of Guatemala, build a hospital, support widows, feed malnourished kids, etc. etc. We need to come with support so that our family is not a burden but rather contributes to the work that the ministries are doing.   

To be honest, this is one of the hardest parts of moving.  It is easy to ask people to support the hospital or contribute to the widow's project.  I believe in those projects and want to see them succeed and make a difference.  It is a lot harder to ask for money for ourselves.  

Our prayer is that the Lord would speak to the hearts of people who believe in our family and what we are doing.  We know that He is our Provider and is more than able to meet all of our needs.  We don't want to 'beg' anyone to support us.  We don't want people to run the other way when they see us coming.  We want to put our complete trust in the Lord and rest in the fact that He has called us and will provide for us.  

Because I am a numbers person, I also assume that other people want to see the 'bare facts'.  If that is not the case, you can skip this paragraph or indulge me for a minute!  We have been asked to design a budget for our 3 years in Guatemala.  We have two categories of expenses.  The first is our 'one-time' expenses to get us down there.  We will be traveling in our Suburban through Mexico pulling some sort of trailer/camper with all of our belongings.  We will need to pay for traveling expenses as well as taxes etc. as we cross the borders. We have determined that we will need about $10,000 to make this trip (most of that is taxes to enter Guatemala).  The second category is our monthly living expenses.  We are estimating that we will need about $3,500 per month to live in Guatemala. 

Whew!  Now that the money part is over, we can move on to more interesting topics! ;)

6.  Why are you going?

The first follow-up question after people find out that we will not be getting a salary is always 'why?'  Why would you quit your job, sell most of your possessions and take your children to a 3rd world country?  Won't your kids miss out on all that the US has to offer them?  How will your teenagers be 'normal' if they grow up in a 3rd world country?  Why would you want to 'burden' others financially so you can go 'live the dream' in another country?  Why would you expect other people to support you when it is your responsibility to provide for your family?  Why would you give up the comforts of the US to live in Guatemala?  Etc. etc. etc.

Many people can just not get their heads wrapped around the idea of all of this.  A small newspaper in Blair did a story on our family before we left in 2008 and this was one of the questions that they wanted us to answer.  It really stumped us.  How do you explain all that went into this decision?  

There are these reasons . . .

And these reasons. . . 

And these . . .

And this one . . .

But there are people in the US that you could serve?  The Lord has given us a compassion and love for the people of Guatemala.  Not sure how else to explain that.  Don sees people from many different Central American countries in clinic - El Salvador, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Puerto Rico, Cuba etc. etc.  His heart goes out to those from Guatemala more than any of the others. 

Outside of the people, there is a need for help as AIM steps into the building of the hospital.  There is a place that we can serve in both the areas of finances and medicine.  We love the people who started the ministry and want to come alongside of them as they step into the Lord's plan.

We want our children to have a 'broader' view of the world and the people around them.  We want them to learn how to serve and live for something bigger than themselves.  We don't feel that they are going to be missing out on their teenage years in the US.  We feel that this experience is going to enrich their lives and make them better people.

All of that said, there is really only one reason why we are going.  The Lord has called us.  How do we know this?  We can look back over the past decade and see how He has prepared us for this.  We can look back even further and see how He called us into homeschooling when Caleb was 3 in preparation of taking our school with us.  We have a longing in our hearts to go that can only be explained as a 'burden' from the Lord.  It is counter-cultural, it is somewhat 'weird', it is not the 'norm' yet we know that this is what He has for us. 

Why are we going?  Out of obedience to what He has called us to.  

"Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to him." Psalm 128:1

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