Tuesday, August 5, 2014


A quick update on the hospital project in Guatemala!

Adonai received the money needed to transport the container to Guatemala. (See previous post here) which is so awesome! All of the equipment and materials were packed into the container last week and then shipped to the US port.  We received word yesterday that the container has made it to New York and is ready for sailing.  The materials in the container are everything needed to set up a cement factory so that the construction on the foundation can begin.

While the container was being packed in the States, much activity was taking place in Guatemala.  Although the land was pretty level, it still needed some fill dirt to get it completely ready.  They have moved over 100 loads of dirt from the river.  It is almost ready to grade.

Here is an aerial photograph that Duane took of the properties.  Maybe someday the Lord will provide the land in between! ;)

Please pray for all that needs to happen with the container - shipping, customs, transporting it up the mountain, etc.  The Lord is providing for this hospital one-step-at-a-time.  We are so grateful for His provision.  We are trusting Him as we continue to move as He leads.  

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