Wednesday, February 2, 2011

One More Week!

I am so thankful that we are not driving to Chicago today! The weather here the last several days has us wondering, once again, why it is that we live in Nebraska! Snow, ice, wind, freezing temperatures . . . makes me long for warmer climate!: )

Most of the schools around here have been closed the last several days. . . but not ours!! Samuel is working on his reading workbook!

Notice the hot chocolate and snacks!

Not sure what Caleb is doing. Maybe telling me not to take his picture??

We have been busy trying to get to a good stopping place with school. We will take some school with us but we never seem to get as much done there as I would like. We have also been packing a little, making lists, running errands and trying to tie up lose ends before we leave for a month.

I took my mother-in-law for her 3 month check-up with her oncologist today. She is doing very well. Her "sunburn" from the radiation treatment looks much better and all her blood counts are good. The only concern is that she has lost quite a bit of weight and her potassium has dropped. We are thinking it is just because she isn't eating enough. She eats better when she can go out and with the weather lately, she hasn't been able to go as much. She will be staying at our house while we are in Guatemala so I am trying to make sure that there is quick, easy food here for her to prepare. I think I may try to freeze some individual portions so that she has lots of choices for meals.

The weather looks nice and sunny for next Wednesday! His timing is perfect! Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Jennifer Sather said...

No snow days at our house either! Such mean teachers!! How sweet of you to think of making meals for Linda in the midst of your own preparations to be gone for a month.