Saturday, February 1, 2014

Working Hard!

The Arkansas team has been learning and serving in so many different ways.  Yesterday they received a tour at the Nursing School and got to do some shopping at Market.  They have also been doing lots of dishes!  Today is clinic so Megan has been serving there. 
We will all be heading to the children's home this afternoon so we have been packing up, changing sheets, mopping floors etc.  We have also been getting ready for lunch - there will be 40 of us! 
Since we had some extra time, Rosemary and Bonnie are helping out by counting and bagging pills to give out in the clinics.  

David was showing Rosemary how to do it!!  He is also helping in the clinic and even came out with a in his arms! 

While all that medical stuff is going on, Stephen and Jerry are helping with the new house. 

Please pray for us as we 'move' today.  We await the arrival of the Knutson family and then we head to San Andres.  We will have Sunday to get settled, meet the kids and go to market.  Monday morning the workers will leave on their retreat until Thursday.  We are going to have some very busy days.  Please pray for peace and favor over the Home while we are in charge. 

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