Monday, February 17, 2014

Back into the routine . . . sorta

Our family left Guatemala last Wednesday.  I don't think any of us were really ready to leave.  The trip went so fast this year.  (Plus it was cold at home.)  Our travel to Guatemala City and then the flight to Houston went well.  We had a 3-hour layover in Houston so we anticipated time to eat and relax before we boarded our tiny plane home to Omaha.  Let's just say that it didn't go exactly as we had hoped!

It took us almost 2 hours to get through customs.  All of these people are actually in a 'pre-customs' line.  After we got all of our luggage we stood here for a very long time!  

We found another long line in customs and then a 3rd line to go back through security.  Our 3-hour layover turned into about 50 minutes of jumping on the train and heading to the gate. We did stop at Panda Express on our way and pushed some food down while we waited to board.  Oh well, we made it home to Omaha and were welcomed by some sweet faces.  It is so fun to be greeted at the airport!

We jumped right back into life with Samuel's birthday on Thursday as well as a couple activities for Bethany and Caleb.  Don had to go back to work on Friday and everyone needed underwear so the washer began it's marathon run.  My mom came for a couple days and we took care of a couple cute foster girls for the weekend.  And now it is Monday - we are supposed to be doing school, but it is a holiday, right??

The reality of coming back to the States is always a little harder than we remember.  The cultures are so different not to mention the weather and the food.  Let's just say that the pizza for Samuel's birthday didn't agree with all of us!  

Caleb and I ran errands on Friday.  We stopped at the grocery store really quick to get just a few things (we were pretty well stocked - thanks to my sister and my friend, Julie!).  A mom and her 3 daughters came in behind us and were speaking Spanish.  I turned to Caleb and asked him to remind what country we were in again.  He said that hearing the Spanish actually made him feel a little bit better.  It is hard to explain the culture shock that you experience when you come back from a trip like this one.  It just takes a little bit of time to adjust.  In our case, we always leave a little bit of our hearts behind us!

Thank you for your prayers and support.  We really appreciate all of you!


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