Saturday, February 4, 2012

Saturday afternoon

Our chocolate cupcake afternoon snack is almost finished. Yesterday, the outreach at the Aldea went well. Today, the men-folk returned to move dirt at the school. There was a wall built and a large drop off that we helped to fill in. Shovels and wheelbarrows - pass the ibuprofen. This afternoon, we are finishing up crafts with the kids.

The retreat for the workers went well. They very much enjoyed their time away together. We survived the time and are all tired (very, very tired!). We are preparing for our 'good bye' party tonight. We will leave the home Monday morning to drive into Antigua and then Guatemala city. The team's flight leaves early Tuesday morning. It has been a very good time here. It seems too soon to be preparing to leave.

Please pray for this transition over the next several days. Pray for both for our team and for the kids. It will be very hard to leave after getting to spend so much time with these sweet children. Also please continue to pray for health. A stomache bug ran through many of us, but that has resolved (no pun intended). Please pray for Reggan with a sore throat.

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