Monday, February 13, 2012


After clinic Saturday, we were asked to make a housecall. The niece of one of the translators was sick and having trouble caring for her one month old baby. Their home was very remote. It took well over an hour to drive there (on some of the worst roads I have ever driven on). Lori and our friend Judi accompanied Leslie, myself and Thomas (the translator/uncle). Here is a picture of us starting our decent from the road on foot.
The family was quite poor. Here are pictures of the outside of their home as we walked down.

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The baby was very cute and doing well. The mother had a bad infection of her throat. We gave antibiotics and pain medicine. We then spent time praying for her and her baby.
Here is one of the other family members peeking to get a better view of the strange visitors.
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Getting to go on visits like this one is one of our favorite things to do. On visits like this we are not only helping someone truly in need, we are getting to peek into their lives. The poverty and simplicty of the lives of these people can be overwhelming, but we know that our Savior is able to meet all of their needs.

1 comment:

Matt and Kris said...

Thank you so much for giving us a peek in the window with you. Praying blessings over your time there.