Saturday, February 11, 2012

Medical Outreach

These last few days have flown! We sooo enjoyed our Sabbath on Wednesday. We were all so tired. It was great to have a day for resting and catching up. We did start in right away on Wed. morning with laundry. We had not done any laundry since we arrived in Guatemala so we have been doing a few loads everyday so we can make it until we leave. It takes a little longer when you have to wait on the sun to dry it all! Judi continues to be the "laundry queen" as she was at the Home last week! ;)

Yesterday, several other doctors (and a spouse) arrived to help with a clinic in Cruz Chiche (not exactly sure how to spell that). This is a monthly clinic that the Fickers have been doing for several months now. They took two loads up the mountain for a 45 minute drive to the aldea. Since they were taking two loads, Judi and I got to tag-along. They strongly recommended that we didn't take pictures while we were there. The aldea is pretty much "closed off" to outsiders which makes it even more incredible that they have asked Adonai to come and do these monthly clinics. A friend of ours, Armondo, began the clinic with a "sermon" in their native language of Quiche. The real goal is to tell them about Jesus - the medical clinic is just a doorway that the Lord uses for the gospel. We pray that lives were touched through both Armondo's message and the physical touch of the medical people.

We were able to take some pictures of the beautiful scenery as we travelled.

Here is a view of Canilla (where we are living) from the mountain road.
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Today is clinic in Canilla. Tomorrow is clinic in San Andres. I am supposed to be working on finances so I need to end this here but wanted to give you a quick update! Thanks for reading!

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