Sunday, June 14, 2009

To Post or Not to Post

We have been having this discussion on whether we should continue to post even though we are not in Guatemala. Are people really that interested in our daily lives?? I guess we could post and let all of you decide!

Don starts his new job on Tuesday. He is excited and nervous. It will be nice going back to the same hospital but the job is totally different than his old one. He will be working in Interventional Radiology or "Specials". I am not really sure what that means and I have a really hard time remembering the name. Calling it "Specials" just doesn't sound right. Whatever the name, I am really looking forward to having a paycheck again!

We are still looking for a second car (since we left our 4-runner in Guatemala). Don would really like to have a Toyota truck and has been diligently looking for one. We seem to be making all of our decisions in light of what it would mean if we returned to Guatemala. If we were to take a second vehicle to Guatemala, it would be better if it were a Toyota with a manual transmission etc.

Right after we returned from Guatemala, we took a trip to Arkansas to visit my aunt and uncle and cousins and their families. We decided at the last minute to go with my mom and dad and my sister and her family. We are feeling like we need to take the opportunities that we have to see friends and families that we haven't seen for a while. It was a great trip. The kids had so much fun "jumping haybales" and fishing. They caught enough fish for our lunch.

Don and I also attended the homeschool conference in Iowa last weekend. The kids went to my mom and dad's house. It was so nice to have a weekend with my husband and the conference was very good. On Friday morning just as we were getting ready to leave, our dog was barking and going crazy in the backyard. Don went out there and this is what he found.

Shadow had "treed" a raccoon on our garage. Don threw some dirt clods at it and then went back into the house. When we came back out it was gone. We were wondering if he knew it was garbage day in our neighborhood!

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

I vote post! Once a part of the Guatemala family, always a part. I'll be sure to be praying for protection for your kids as they continue to be adventurous. May your family continue to seek the center....