Monday, May 18, 2009

Video of Guatemala

We have been home from Guatemala now for about 4 and a half weeks. Everyday we are adjusting a little bit more to being back. This past week we spent alot of time putting together a video that we could use when we talk to people about our trip. (We have downloaded it here at the end of this post - if you are interested!) The kids made a map and wrote a report that we presented with the video to our homeschool group and to Lori's parents' church in South Dakota. Putting the video together made us very homesick for Guatemala. After watching the video, Lori's mom said that it must be hard for us to watch the video. She said, "It is like you have two families and as nice as it is to be home, you must be missing your "other family". She is so right. We know that the Lord has us here in the States for now and we are content to wait on Him, but we pray that someday we will be able to return to Guatemala. Don has now accepted a job at the hospital where he worked for 10 years. He has a start date of June 16th. We knew that this is what the Lord had for us and felt much peace about this position. We are very thankful for His provision and for Don's new job.

Here is a picture of Caleb, Hannah and Bethany presenting for our homeschool group. They did a great job.

Here is the video that we made! Hope you enjoy it!

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