Saturday, March 21, 2009

Unillá Clinic

Unillá is a small aldea in the Zona Reina. It is near San Pedro, where we have held medical outreaches before. Like San Pedro, Unillá is also very isolated. It is within twenty miles of the Mexican border roughly north on Canillá. It is about a three hour walk to get to the nearest road which is then a several hour ride to get to a large town. Duane had flown in a load of supplies on Wednesday to prepare for our trip. We flew in to Unilla in two plane loads on Thursday, stayed the night, and flew back home on Friday. Here is a picture of Unillá from the airplane followed by the sign on the building where we held our clinics. The clinic building also served as our quarters for the night. (the soccer field is in the center of the village, the clinic building has the shiny roof just up from the soccer field, and the runway cuts off to the right)

When we got there, there were official introductions. Here are pictures of Duane and Leslie being introduced and of the people gathered outside.

Over the two days of clinic, we saw around 400 people. Here are several pictures of clinic. The first two are of Craig and Arlen seeing patients.

Here is a picture of me with a family that I had just treated.

One of my sickest patients was a young girl with a badly infected finger.

Can you guess what I had been doing? If you are really interested, you can click on the picture and look closely at the lower right corner. (here is a clue, I was treating a very old man who couldn't hear very well)

Here is Arlen with a very sick man who was brought to clinic in a wheelbarrow. He appeared to be in liver failure. He felt so much better after a liter of IV fluid on the first day of clinic, he was brought back on the second day for more fluid. (and, no he had not passed, he just kept his face covered with that towel)

On Thursday, we were treated to a lunch of chicken soup and tortillas.

After lunch, we had a time of worship and prayer before restarting clinic.

Adjacent to the clinic is the latrine. Here is a picture of the upscale concrete facilities.

Here are pictures of some of the kids of Unillá who had come out to see the strangers.

Several kids were seeking a little shade under the wing of the airplane. I started taking pictures and the boys lined up for a picture.

As I took more pictures, the boys got a little rowdy. Here is a picture of them all trying to be the center of attention.

Overall, we had a great trip. The people were so inviting and so appreciative of our help. It was a blessing to be able to serve in Unillá

1 comment:

Mary Jean Bell said...

Enjoyed your report on new clinic. Praise God on your mission.

God bless you all,
Mary Jean Bell