Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Prayer Request

There will be a new clinic in a remote village called Unilla tomorrow and Friday. From what the Fickers are hearing, there has never been a medical clinic outreach in this area. The closest road is a 3 and a half hour walk away. It is in the jungle region of Guatemala so it rains alot more there and it is hot. There are several things that we would like prayers for if the Lord puts us on your hearts.

First, Duane will be flying 3 flights into Unilla tomorrow for the clinic. However, the weather has to be clear for him to land the plane. They have told us that it will probably not be clear until 9 am. Please pray for the Lord's favor over the weather there in the morning. Please pray for safety in the travelling to and fro in the airplane.

Second, Duane is also flying in the mayor of the area as well as an evangelist who speaks their Indian dialect. This is a medical outreach but medicine is just a tool to open the door to talk about Jesus. The team will be bringing a projector with the Jesus film in their language. Please pray for softened hearts and open ears to the gospel.

Third, we have been hearing that there are alot of people in this area. They are expecting to see around 400 people. They will set up clinic as soon as they get there, spend the night and finish up on Friday. Please pray for perserverance, endurance and strength. The team going is Leslie, Katie, Don, Craig, Arlen (a friend of the Fickers from IL) and Rachel who will translate for Arlen. It will be very long days for them and they will be sleeping on the floor of the building where they will have clinic. Please pray for a peaceful night and rest.

Fourth, please also pray for those of us who will be in Canilla during the clinic. Please pray for peace and protection for us as well. Those here will be Aaron, David, Joe, Abi and Grace as well myself and our four kids.

Don and Rachel are both taking their cameras so we will try to post some pictures as well as a report of what the Lord did in Unilla when the team returns. Thank you for your prayers!

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