Thursday, March 5, 2009

Tadpoles and Trouble With Baggies

These last few weeks, I have been remimded of how much I take for granted. The other day, one of my translators was talking to a patient for a LONG time about the medicine they were given. I knew that they were saying much more than I had said for them to translate and quite honestly, I was getting a little frustrated with the delay. As I watched and listened, I realized that the translator wasn't talking about their medicine, but rather the baggie that it came in. He was opening and closing the zip-lock baggie. As it turns out, the patient had no idea of how to open and close a zip-lock. How many thousands of times have I done that, how routine this task seemed, how far from my thoughts was explaining this little detail. It reminded me of how I need to keep my eyes open and my mouth shut. I also need to keep learning and observing the people that I am serving. I learn something new every day. For instance, once when we were crossing the river and noticed the tadpoles, Leslie told us how the Guatemaltecans will catch them and immediately pop them in their mouths. How's that for fast food??

This last Wednesday, our Sabbath adventure was a little closer to home. We ran to the store for some pom poms (suckers) and drove to a creek just a mile from the Ficker's house.
Back under the trees was a shady spot where the roots were washed out. Spiderwebs kept the kids from venturing too far under.

The highlight was the presence of tadpoles (however, we did not eat any!). A homemade windsock (from science class) became a fishing net.

Thanks for reading!

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