Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas!

We had to split up our Christmas so we are working on three different Christmas postings. This one is Christmas Eve.

Here is our Charlie Brown Christmas tree. It is actually a branch that was rubbing against the roof of the clinic. The kids made the decorations except for the ribbon that Leslie shared with us. We didn't have any lights although we could have purchased them in the market.

I made a roast in a pressure cooker for an early supper, we read the Christmas story from the Bible and then we opened presents. We had a few presents that the kids bought for each other before we left the States. Rachel, Sylvia and Kevin made us a few presents. Leslie had a gift bag for us and Aaron and Katie also left a present under our tree.

Here is Caleb with the Legos that the girls bought for him.

Samuel is looking on while Hannah opens a present.

The kids and I bought Don the original Star Wars movies (Episodes 4, 5 and 6) on DVD before we left the States. He was very surprised!

The flower at the beginning of the post is from one of Leslie's trees in front of the clinic. They have these poinsetta trees all over and it helped us get into the Christmas mood since it is more like Spring here than Winter. It also made me think of my mom who loves poinsettas!

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