Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Adventure Continues!

We had a very interesting day today! Don's comment was that we need to live totally and completely dependent on the Lord. I keep thinking that we are and then we run into another issue and He shows me how much further I have to go.

We headed back to Immigration this morning. My sister, Jen, was able to e-mail all of our kids' birth certificates last night so we had all the paperwork ready when we arrived there. We had told the lady at Immigration how far we had to drive to get to the City so she promised us that they would be ready today at 3 pm.

After Immigration, we headed to Hiper-paiz which is like a SuperWalmart. We were buying groceries and other things to last us for the next several months. We had two carts full when we were ready to check out. The cashier ran everything through and the groceries were bagged and in the cart. He tried to swipe our credit card and it denied us, twice. The total that we owed was Q2288 (a little over $300). We pooled all of the cash that we had and it was only Q1900 and it was all the cash we had. We needed some cash to continue our stay in the City as well as get back to Canilla. So we decided we needed to call Capital One. Don had to go up to the second floor to buy a card for the Telagua phone. We didn't have enough time on his cell phone to call and the pay phone would not let us call out of the country. We have used these Telagua phones before to call the States but it was in 2003 so we couldn't remember how they worked. While Don was upstairs buying the card, I was talking to the kids and telling them to start praying. There were very few things that I could put back and we needed our credit card to pay for the hotel and gas as well. Don met a woman when he was buying the card who spoke a little English and she told him that she would help us call the operator on the Telagua phone and get us pointed in the right direction. She was so helpful. Don told her that she was an angel that the Lord sent to help us.

We got through to Capital One but I only had 5 minutes on the phone card. I explained the situation to the lady on the phone and that I had very little time. She was a blessing. She felt bad that the card had been denied. I think it was because we have not really used it for a couple months. In the middle of her working on it, I ran out of time on the phone. She had said to ask the cashier to try to swipe it again before we ran out of time. We went back to the same line where they had been able to save our transaction. It was such a blessing that we didn't have to unbag all the groceries and start over. She called up our transaction and then swiped the card while we were praying the whole time! And as you can guess, it worked this time. The Lord is so good and faithful. We know that He allows things to stretch us and grow us but He promises that He will never leave us or forsake us.

We went to AppleBees for lunch. The restaurant was in a part of the City that reminded us of Village Point (for those of you in Omaha). It felt like we were in the United States except that all the signs were in Spanish! It was such a weird feeling but the food was very good.

We went back to Immigration at a little after 3 pm and yes, the passports were ready! The paper that they gave us said that we wouldn't be able to pick them up until the 15th but the lady had promised and she came through for us. Praise the Lord!

Now we are back in the hotel, relaxing and hanging out. Our plan is to go to the zoo tomorrow. We will be able to enjoy it so much more now that our passports/visas are renewed for another 90 days. We will take lots of pictures and share them with you on our next post!

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