Friday, August 8, 2008

Prayer Requests

We have a couple specific prayer requests that we wanted to share with you. If you think of us would you pray? We strongly believe in the power of prayer and trust in the Lord to hear our requests and answer. The answer may not be as we expected or desired but we believe that He hears and answers according to His plan and purposes that He has for us.

Our first prayer request is for the family who will be living in our house, the Swensons. When we first heard the Lord's call to go to Guatemala for a longer period of time, my first hesitation was "what will we do with our house?" We had returned from Guatemala in November. In January, I was at a homeschool PE class talking to a mom new to our group (Susan Swenson) and was telling her about a possible 6 month, or more, trip for our family to Guatemala. I told her that I had no idea what we would do with our house. Her response was "we'll live in it." As a simple as that, the Lord confirmed our trip back to Guatemala.

The Swensons live in Fremont, NE but had purchased a family business closer to where we live. (Click here for their website.) They would like to live closer to their business but aren't yet ready to buy another home. Living in our home would help them decide where they want to live. It seemed that this would be a blessing to both of us. This leads us to the prayer request for them. The Swensons have their house for sale in Fremont and need for it to sell before we leave. Otherwise, the situation becomes for them a burden instead of a blessing. Will you please join us in prayer that their house would sell? We feel that the Lord has orchestrated this situation and we trust Him to take care of it. However, just as we, as parents, want our children to come to us and ask, the Lord also desires for us to humble ourselves and seek Him.

Our next prayer request is for our medical insurance. We applied last Saturday for insurance with a company that specializes in insurance for missionaries. We have heard from them that they need more info on a health issue that happened with Don about 8 years ago. Thankfully, he had gone to the emergency room at the hospital where he works so requesting medical records was not that difficult. However, it is a big hospital and it may take some time for the information to reach the underwriters. We need to have insurance as of September 1st. Would you pray that we are approved and everything is in place well in advance of Don leaving for Mexico?

We would also appreciate prayers for some other "little" issues that we are dealing with. We would like to have our basement finished in two weeks so that we have two weeks to focus on family time, packing etc. before Don leaves. We have trim, flooring, and plumbing in the bathroom and kitchen remaining. We are still battling nighttime potty training with Samuel. We would really appreciate the Lord's wisdom in this situation. The Lord has been so faithful with financial provisions for this trip; however, based on our "budget" numbers, we are still a little short of raising all of the funds that we will need. Please pray for places where we can cut unnecessary amounts in our budget as well as His continued provision to cover the amounts that can't change. Thank you so much for your prayers! Supporting in this way is of far greater worth to us than anything else. Blessings to you and your family. Thanks for reading!

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