Saturday, August 16, 2008


We received an e-mail from Leslie, the missionary who runs the clinics that Don will help with. In her e-mail she had a list of some recent patients that she has seen. We wanted to share a few of them with you so you could pray and so you could get an idea of the needs of the people.

"Angelica is a young woman whose husband has been in the US for four years. She is pregnant now with another man's baby. The other man has a family and does not want to help her so she is alone. She is a quiet and gentle young woman and when I asked her about whether she was in the church, she answered that she had been but that now she could not be - that after the baby was born, she would return. Her guilt and remorse were so great and now she is alone and feels that she cannot return to God. Pray for her, that she will understand that He is waiting for her to call out to Him and return to Him. She came asking if we could take her baby when it is born and raise it as our own.

A little baby boy with pneumonia who needed to be in the hospital with oxygen and IV fluids at the very minimum. When I asked the mom if she could take him, if I could find a way to get him there, she told me of her husband who was drunk at home and would beat her if she asked him for money. What do you say to someone whose baby is dying and who has no one to help her and no where to turn? So I told her of a God who could see all that she was going through and understood; who could, in a moment, heal her baby and restore her family. She began to cry, big gulping sobs and as we prayed, I watched the baby's oxygen saturations rise to almost normal levels for the first time since he came in. Pray that her baby lives and that she sees it is the result of the power of a God who loves her.

Then came the skinny little baby - seven months old and barely 10 pounds with her pregnant sister and her obviously psychotic mom. I wanted to help her with food and milk but who would prepare it for her. The sister does not live with the mother and when I asked about the baby's father, she told me that yes, he would help. She called him in. He was drunk, the staggering, falling down kind of drunk. So who will care for this baby? No social service here....

I turned to see the next patient. A 2 year old with the worst malnutrition I have seen. She was swollen and covered with sores. Her mother had a new baby to care for so this child was carried in by her 6 year old sister. The baby cried listlessly, not having enough energy to cry lustily when I approached her. She had a fever and an ear infection so I gave her antibiotics and milk and vitamins and a protein drink and as she left the mom told me that she wanted to put her in the orphanage - that her father did not want to care for her anymore because she was always sick.

Then there was the mom in labor, whose baby was in distress and needed to go immediately to the hospital but she would not because she was treated so badly there 15 months ago when she had a C-section with her first baby. No where else to send her...

And the woman with the huge uterine where to send her either.

And then the 90 others waiting to be seen. I am not qualified to care for them...I have nothing to offer except Jesus. I know He is more than enough. Pray that He would manifest His power and love in the form of the miracles that these people need: that they would know Him as a God who cares about their circumstances, who can deliver them, who wants to demonstrate His love." - Leslie Ficker, Adonai International Ministries

We really appreciate your prayers. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Blakemore Family said...

Being both a mom and a nurse, your post brought tears to my eyes. Know that we are praying for you as you prepare to leave and will continue as you serve in Guatemala!