Monday, May 26, 2008

Tales from Craigslist

Hi Everyone! We have some more Craiglists stories we thought you might enjoy!

First, Don purchased a push mower about 14 years ago for our old house. We moved it to our current home because he thought he would use it for "trimming" the yard. He used it 3 or 4 times in 5 years. In cleaning out our garage for the carnival, we decided that it needed to go. Don put it on Craigslist for free because he couldn't get it to start. He received over a dozen e-mails in just a couple hours for this 14year-old, broken, free push mower. One of the e-mails was from a member of our homeschool group in Blair who, "coincidentally", we were meeting with in a couple days because they were giving us some items for the carnival's silent auction. So even when we try to give something away for free, we receive stuff!!

Second, we ended up purchasing the cabinets that we found on Craigslist with the money we received from selling our JD riding mower (See posting from May 11th). When Don went to pick them up, we found out that the money received from the sale was going to be used to help remodel a church. The son-in-law of the people selling the cabinets is the pastor of a church. The church has been meeting at a movie theater and decided it was time to find a building. They are going to use a building in mid-town Omaha but it needed to be remodeled. How fun that we could help them with their project!

Third, Don's dad purchased a huge WOODS shredder/chipper about 5 years ago. He had purchased a Kubota tractor at the same time for us to use while we were building our house. Since that time, we have used the Kubota in the winter to move snow and Don's dad had used the tractor in the summer for mowing and to use with the chipper/shredder. When Don's dad died, Don inherited both the tractor and the chipper/shredder. (This is why we could sell our JD mower). Anyway, we don't have any trees (not mature ones anyway) so we decided to put the chipper/shredder on Craigslist. Well, it sold! This money will cover over half the cost of our airline tickets. The Lord's provision is never ending!

We are going to be gone all week so we won't be able to post for a while. When we get back, maybe we will have some pictures to share! Thanks for reading!

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