Wednesday, May 21, 2008


The word for the week (or maybe month) at our house is "overwhelming". We just realized that we now have less than four months before we leave the country. Our neighbors are working so very hard on the carnival and the response has just been "overwhelming" in a good way. (Check out the carnival link to see the HUGE list of sponsors!) We are trying to get our house/garage ready for this carnival. We have a mudder in our basement and we are trying to do a little school to get ahead for next year. We also are leaving next week for a family reunion in Arkansas. It seems like our days are so busy but we never really accomplish anything. It is all just a little "overwhelming"!!

Sometimes this "overwhelming" feeling seems to take over and just consume our conversations and thoughts. Then we stop and realize why we are doing all of this. Our kids are the best reminders of this. Every Sunday night at our house is family night. We often watch movies or play games. The kids always remember and look forward to the night. Last Sunday we did something a little different. Hannah, our 6 year old, decided to start a new church. She calls it the "IAFJ" Church. It stands for "I'm All For Jesus" Church. We asked her who was going to come to her church and she said that it was really a family church so we had church on Sunday night. All of the kids participated. They picked out worship songs and Hannah had everyone read some scripture verses that she had written down. All of her verses were about praising God. It was awesome! It was such a good reminder to us of where we need to keep our focus. We are going to Guatemala because Jesus said to "feed His sheep" and to "love our neighbors". We are going because we are seeking to be "All For Jesus"! Hannah wondered if we could do this every other week or so on our Sunday nights and we, of course, said yes! Every other week should be often enough to remind us where to focus so that everything is not so "overwhelming". Thanks for reading!

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