Sunday, May 11, 2008

Do you need anything??

My husband is hiding things from me! I think he is thinking of actually nailing some things down! I have discovered "craigslist"! We have so far sold a glider, a dog training collar and our JD riding lawnmower. We have other things posted for sale and I am looking for more so if you need anything, we might be able to sell it to you!! In all fairness to Don, we have been selling and posting things that are mostly his but I have nothing of value. I don't tend to sell things. I tend to give them away because I don't want to take the time for a garage sale or finding a buyer; however, "craigslist" is fun!!

We really are having fun getting rid of some of our stuff. It feels like by getting rid of some of the stuff, we are lightening our load. Many of you don't know this but we are finishing our basement currently. Because of lack of funds, we are doing most of the work ourselves (we are getting close to finishing the drywall hanging now!). When we first started this project, we were examining our "savings" and thinking of the expenses of moving to Guatemala for 6 months with no job, finishing our basement, going to our family reunion and the other things that will require money in our near future. It reminded me a little of the story from the Bible about Jesus feeding the 5,000 with 2 fish and 5 loaves. We really needed the Lord to multiply what we had to cover all the expenses that we were going to incur. There was not enough room for even a CPA to make this work.

Well, God is faithful! We made the decision to hang the drywall ourselves to save some money but then we needed to hire a taper/mudder. Initially, all the bids were too high for us. We found another person to give us a bid. A few days later we received our tax incentive from the government which would more than cover this last bid. We hired him and we will stimulate the economy at the end of this week (hopefully!). Then we discovered "craigslist"! Don sold our mower for more than enough to cover some kitchen cabinets that we found on, you guessed it, "craigslist". The cabinets would work in the homeschool project room/kitchen in the basement and save us alot of money! We will look at them later this week. Currently, I am looking for more things to sell so the Lord can provide a buyer and we can buy doors and trim! Also, in the midst of all that, our neighbors come to us and ask if they can hold a fundraising carnival in our neighborhood to help cover some of our Guatemala expenses. We see all of this as the Lord's provision and His multiplication of our 2 fish and 5 loaves. (check out the info on the carnival if you haven't all ready!)

Some people have asked us why are we messing with our basement now in the midst of all that we have going on. We will answer that in our next posting and maybe add some pictures of Don and I hanging drywall! Stay tuned! Thanks for reading!

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