Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The trip to Zona Reina

One of the links to the left is for "Heidi and Matt Bell". They are a young couple who also work in Guatemala. They work under an organization called "Agape in Action". Heidi is an OB/GYN. They have a young baby, Isaac, who was born in Guatemala while they have been working there. They go to Canilla to work in the Fickers' clinic every weekend. We found their blog before we went to Guatemala last time and then met them while we were there. We often go to there blog to see what is happening in the clinics.

Matt and Heidi went with the Fickers to Zona Reina. They have new entries (3 actually) on their blog about the trip. The picture above is the runway they used for this trip. We copied it from their blog. There are many other pictures on their blog to see. It sounds like the trip went very well. They had to take 5 trips in with the airplane to get all the people and supplies in. They showed the Jesus film to the whole village, many of whom had never even seen a movie let alone one in their own language. Click on the link and take a look. Thank you for praying for them while they were gone. We thank the Lord that everyone went and came home safely. It doesn't sound like anyone got sick either - that is a true miracle!

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