Friday, March 14, 2008

A few steps closer!

It has been a few days since we posted. We have been a little busy with a few big things that are part of the preparations of our trip. First, Lori had LASIK surgery a week ago. She has been having issues with her contacts for the past few years and the dry climate of Guatemala makes them even worse. We decided that this was the best option. Lori is not ever very excited about anything medical involving her so this was quite a step! A week later she is doing better - her eyes are a little dry but seeing the alarm clock in the middle of the night has been a huge delight for her!

Also, Don found a truck on e-bay that he wanted. We have never purchased anything on e-bay before and apparently, we decided to start big! Long story short, Don won the bid this morning in the last 7 seconds! The 4runner is in California so he is now trying to figure out how to get it to Nebraska! We are just praying that it all comes together and we have no issues (Lori has a little fear over this!). We would appreciate your prayers! We will let you know when it arrives - maybe even a picture or two! Thanks for reading - Blessings to you!

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