Thursday, March 15, 2018

The One True God!

Typically, the devotions for our time with the widows focuses on New Testament stories of Jesus.  Lately, I have realized that they don't know any stories from the Old Testament either - none.  

I think of the HOURS that we spent with our kids reading them stories from the Bible when they were little.  They had this foundation of Biblical knowledge that came together when they met Jesus in a real and personal way.  It gave them a more 'rounded' picture.  I want this for the widows as well.

So in February, we talked about Gideon.  I put my sweater on the ground like a fleece.  Don even acted some of it out.  He had a fake "horn, torch and clay pot" - really, a rolled up piece of paper, an 'unlit' stick and a 5-gallon bucket that he threw on the ground (it didn't break so they had to use their imaginations!!).  I wish I had photos but I was reading (and laughing) and Don was 'acting'.  I am sure the Lifegate Church team was so enthralled by our re-enactment that they didn't get any photos either!! ;)

In March, I told the story of Elijah on Mt. Carmel.  One of my very favorite stories from the Bible.  We didn't have any props although Don wanted to participate again. I just wasn't sure how to get 'fire from heaven' to look real!! ;)

The question that Elijah put forth to King Ahab was 'are you willing to put your god to the test?'  The One that answers is the One True God!

We typically don't worship Baal or any other statues but we have false gods in our lives.  The god of money, the god of education, the god of convenience, the god of success.  Anything that is set up above the One True God is an idol. Anything that we 'worship' or prioritize above the Lord is an idol. We have them.  May the Lord reveal them to us so we can put Him where He belongs.  May the widows see the One True God as we reach out to them each month and share our faith in Him.

Getting their baskets ready!

The team from First Church of the Nazarene was so willing to help with anything!

Mica buying the baskets.

Time for the devotion.

All go home with a bag of food!

This team also helped with the Goat Project by building some enclosures for the widows that are a part of the program.  If you are interested in hearing more, subscribe to our monthly newsletter here.

The story in my Spanish Children's Bible ended with "El Señor es Dios! El Señor es Dios!".  It was fun to shout this out as I ended my story so the widows would hear it but it was for me as well.  Nothing should be higher than the Lord in my life. 



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