Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Newsletter/Christmas Letter

We wake up and go to bed surrounded by the majesty of the Lord’s creation every day.  Our home is in a valley located in the highlands of Guatemala.  We live in a community of others who have come here to serve as we have.  It has been over nine months since we crossed the border between Mexico and Guatemala.  The ministry that we serve with is called Adonai International Ministries.  Its primary focus is medical but it is also involved in agriculture and construction. We have adjusted well and are somewhat settled into the roles that the Lord has for each of us.

Don: Anything medical is Don’s primary focus within the ministry.  He is involved in 5 regular clinics – 4 that meet weekly and one that is held monthly.  He has also been spending much of his time working on our vehicles.  The biggest challenge is finding the necessary parts.  Often the only option means waiting for a visitor to bring what he needs from the States.  Don is also facilitating communication with individuals from the US who are obtaining the necessary, medical equipment for the Expanded Clinic construction project.

Lori: Homeschooling and managing the house take the majority of Lori’s time no matter where we live!  Lori also spends her time handling the ministry’s finances.  Our move to Guatemala has made this job both much easier and much larger! She also facilitates our Widow’s project once a month.  The ministry purchases hand-made baskets from the widows in the program as a way to assist them in providing for their families.  The monthly gatherings also include a short devotion as well as food distribution.

Caleb:  Much of Caleb’s time is spent either studying or worshipping.  Caleb will complete his bachelor’s degree from Liberty University online in December.  He is also in charge of our worship/prayer sets.  He organizes 3 prayer sets each week and one night of worship for the ministry.  He participates in a Spanish worship night occasionally and led a Spanish prayer set when Adonai’s school was in session.  Caleb also tutored math for some of the guys in the college preparatory program.  It is so amazing to watch him grow into the godly man that the Lord has called him to be.

Bethany:  School, music, babysitting, cooking and assisting with clinic fill Bethany’s time.  She is thinking of a medical career so she tries to help in one of our weekly clinics with her dad.  She also enrolled in two online courses that will count for both high school and college credits. She is teaching guitar lessons as well as participating in the worship and prayer sets with her brother.  Her days are full but she eagerly steps into the roles that the Lord has laid before her.

Hannah:  There are so many little kids within our community here.  Hannah has stepped into the babysitter role for many of the families and all the kids love her.  She is working on high school as well as stepping into cleaning and cooking for our family.  She also enjoys the prayer sets.  Her smile and fun personality have been such a blessing!

Samuel:  Babysitting has been a new role for Samuel here.  There are several little boys who just adore him.  He also spends his time playing as well as doing school and chores.  His comic relief often gets us through our days here!

The ministry, Adonai International Ministries, is growing and expanding.  Our family tries to assist with all of the visitors that are coming to help with the construction, the clinics or other projects.  The Expanded Clinic project is amazing to watch.  We are hoping to utilize part of the new facility in early 2016 for clinics.  For more information or to see the progress, go to our blog at  Thank you for your prayers and support!

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