Monday, April 27, 2015

Arrival of the Container

This last Friday, we got up early to receive the second container for the hospital. With delays at the port, followed by more delays at the port, we should not have been surprised that it was not there when we arrived. Due to the length of the containers themselves and the condition of the roads, they are being housed two hours away from us in Quiche.

Some of us went in search of the container and driver. The truck broke down just a few miles from it's destination. Here are some pics of the broken down truck and the traffic.  Some of the contents were off-loaded but it wasn't enough to get it going even with the help of the Mack. Another truck was brought in to finish the trip

A bus broke down just a few hundred feet down the road from us.  That did not help the traffic jam at all!


Now the real work began.  Watch the edge Ryan!

The work went on into the night.  We arrived back in Canilla well after midnight.  The only thing that amazed me more than the generosity of those who gave was how in the world did they get all that stuff in the container?!?!

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