Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Working with the Knutson Family

The Knutson family arrived Sunday.  Monday served as a preparation day for activities later in the week.  Tues we all went to clinic.  During the medical clinics, the kids shared coloring sheets with the children who came to clinic.

As you can see, they are having some trouble getting along. 
Tuesday night we shared family worship with the Ficker family.  Here is Katie leading worship with Caleb accompanying. 
Wednesday started off early so the workers could be on their way to Tapachula, Mexico for their retreat.
Wednesday night was 'movie night'.  Norman Sutton let us set up the movie projector for a treat.
Please pray for us.  For patience, health, etc.  It is a BIG job to fill in for the workers at Hogar de Vida!

1 comment:

Matt and Kris said...

Praying all over it! Blessings, big hugs, and great sleep!