Saturday, December 3, 2011


One of the local churches in our area holds an event called "Walk through Bethlehem". Our family decided to go take the "walk" last Thursday.

They had live animals. There was a camel outside of the church but all the rest of the animals were inside the church. These guys were at the beginning of the walk.

Hannah, Samuel and Bethany went into a bedouin tent to hear a story and have a snack.

The four kids each received a bag of coins to spend on their walk. The younger three decided to pay a little extra for a colored head covering.


Caleb was saving his money for the "sword" stall (they didn't have one!)

In the temple, they wrote "Messiah" in Hebrew in the sand.

Caleb is helping them write from right to left.

They each got to make some money with their first initial pressed into the coins.



More animals in the stable at the end.

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There was so much to do and many things to see. We ran out of time at the end and had to skip the breadmaking and the pottery as well as the basket weaving. It was a great view into Bethlehem at the time of Jesus's birth. Praying that we can stay focused this year on the true reason that we celebrate. May Jesus be at the heart of all that we do this Christmas season.

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