Friday, December 11, 2009

The Zoo??

Yes, it has been a while again since we posted. Time just seems to fly!

Last Tuesday was Bethany's 10th birthday and being the animal lover that she is, she wanted to go to the zoo. We were reflecting on the fact that last year for her birthday we also went to the zoo (see post). Needless to say, the weather was quite different this year!

It was perfect for the polar bear!

There are lots of buildings to go inside to see the animals. The acquarium had pengiuns in conditions similar to outside of the building. Maybe they should let them out to play!

We went into the cat house.

This is actually Samuel inside the gorilla house. However all the gorillas were inside. Only this lone duck was outside of the building!

We actually went to the zoo on Monday. Good thing, because on her actual birthday (Tuesday) we were hit with a huge blizzard. Close to 10 inches and lots of wind. The schools were closed for 3 days. My kids felt sooo blessed that they could continue their school since we don't have to go anywhere! Ok, not really, but they will be happy when we get to play next spring instead of staying inside to finish our school! :)


Craig Phoenix said...

Wow. 10"!! And there's still school? Spring better be real good this year :). Miss you guys.

Anonymous said...

We also went to the zoo for a birthday in December! Hanna's 9th was the 12th and being the animal lover that she is...we spent the morning at the zoo. It was fun to see your similar story when I came to the blog to read about your upcoming trip.