Monday, November 9, 2009

Fall Work

We arrived home from St. Louis in the early evening on Thursday. We had such a good time seeing Duane and Leslie, their son Ryan and his family and Craig and meeting other people that have been a part of their ministry for a long time (especially Connie).

It was back to work and school on Friday. Then on Saturday we headed to Don's mom's house to help her rake her yard. Her house sits on about an acre in the middle of Omaha surrounded by lots of mature trees. Although there aren't any pictures of Hannah, she did work as well. She was the photographer and no one took over to take a picture of her!!

This is Hannah's action shot of me lifting leaves to the trash can.

Samuel had the job of packing the leaves down into the cans so we could fit as many leaves as possible!

Caleb and Don working??

We brought our 4-wheeler and attached a sweeper to help us pile up all the leaves. Hannah took this picture during Bethany's turn.

We focused on the front yard. Then we moved to the side and by the time we got to the back, Don and I were working alone and the kids were off doing something else. We were all exhausted. We didn't get all of the back done - maybe another day!

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