Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Such Irony!

My niece, Julia, had her 4th birthday last Friday. Isn't she cute?!

We gathered with my sister's family and my parents to celebrate on Sunday. Julia wanted to go to a pumpkin patch and see the animals. . .

Here are Hannah and Naomi (Julia's big sister) with the baby chicks

Bethany wanted to take this bunny home with us.

We also took a hayrack ride out to the pumpkin patch.

There was an old silo with corn where the kids could play. Kind of like a sandbox but with corn instead.

Samuel has just finished burying Caleb in corn up to his neck.

Now it is Samuel's turn.

As I was looking through our pictures and thinking about posting a new entry, I was struck and saddened by the irony. There is a desperate need for corn in Guatemala and my children are "swimming" in it in the US. What a picture of the abundance we have in this country! There is no shame or guilt in going to the pumpkin patch - we are blessed in this country and "every good and perfect gift" is from the Lord (James 1:17). However, He also desires us to be good stewards of the gifts that He has given us. So what are we to do??

I can't pack up the corn that my children were playing in and ship it to Guatemala. As much as I would like to, I cannot go to Guatemala with suitcases filled with corn.

I can pray. I can trust in the Lord's plan and provision for the people of Guatemala. I can spread the word about the Corn Project and how little it would take of our abundance to supply a Guatemalan family with corn for a year. I can give out of the abundance that the Lord has given my family so that another family can "taste and see that the Lord is good" Psalms 34:8.

1 comment:

Etwal Gade said...

Good post. Really gives one "food" for thought. - Aaron