Saturday, September 5, 2009


We are studying the Eastern Hemisphere for history this year. We just finished up the Pacific Islands and are now starting on Australia. In one of our books, "Lamingtons" were described as a favorite Australian treat. Of couse, we needed to try this treat! Essentially, they are a sponge cake cut into squares. Then you dip them into a runny chocolate icing and coat with coconut. Here is a picture of ours:

The girls loved making these. As you can imagine, we had chocolate and coconut everywhere! Doing these things with them makes me realize how blessed I am. I love homeschooling and getting to spend so much time with my children. I love teaching them little things like how to beat egg whites and sugar until they form stiff peaks. I love watching my children interact and help each other. I love hearing them encourage each other and compliment each other. Everyone loved the Lamingtons and the girls were so proud of what they had made.

But mostly, I love teaching them about the Lord and helping them discover the talents and gifts and passions that He has given each of them. Are my children perfect? Of course not. Do they have disagreements and get frustrated with each other and themselves? Of course. How else could I teach them how to be patient and kind? Or self-controlled and considerate? It is in these moments that they learn the most about who they are and how He wants us to live.

I just read Katie Ficker's latest blog entry and felt even deeper how blessed I am. The Bible says in Acts 17:26 "From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live." He has a purpose and a plan for each of us. He has blessed us with so much. My heart breaks when I hear stories like the one Katie shared. I can pick up a phone and ask my husband to please bring home coconut after work and it happens. My children have never gone hungry and I pray that they never will. It is not a mistake that I live here during this time and in this place with so much. The Lord "determined" this time and place for me. My prayer is that we would be good stewards of all that He has given us - our money, our children, our lives. May we live as He desires and go where He leads. May we thank Him everyday for all that we have. May we find joy in the little things - like making a new treat with our children! Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

katie said...

lori... thank you for finding such joy and satisfaction in the little things... i cannot wait to have my own little ones to teach these things to as well :) give everyone a hug for me~ miss you guys!!