Saturday, July 4, 2009

Interventional Radiology

Question: How many interventional radiologists does it take to change a light bulb?

Answer: Why change it? First, entering the lumen of the light bulb with a micropuncture kit, you would use a loop snare wire to remove the old filament. Then, coils would be deposited to bridge the gap between the remaining wires. Finally, gel-foam would be used to maintain the vacuum when exiting the bulb. Good as new!

I just completed my third week in Interventional Radiology at the Med Center and I wanted to post an update about my adventures so far. I have really enjoyed it, but there is a lot for me to learn. I have been able to assist in some procedures, but the focus of my job will be in inpatient and outpatient patient management. In IR, we get to do some really cool stuff. An example of this is the picture I found on the internet. The picture shows the occluded blood flow in the before picture and the re-established normal blood flow in the second picture. Thin wires are inserted into blood vessels and medicines and tools are then used to perform procedures. X-ray and ultrasound machines are used to visualize the procedures as they are being performed. It is exciting to be involved in such remarkable procedures that really do make a difference in people's lives.

While at the same time enjoying my new job, part of me is still in Guatemala. My buddy Craig Pheonix posted this last week about a woman with a leg ulcer. As I read his post, I couldn't help but think of how she could be helped by having the blood vessels opened (by IR) to allow oxygen to get into the wound. How this just isn't possible in such a remote setting with people of such limited resources. -- I am not sure why the Lord has me back in Omaha working again is such a specialized part of medicine, but I do know without a doubt that this is where I am suppose to be right now. Learning all I can and listening for what is next.


Craig Phoenix said...
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Craig Phoenix said...

(I'm still figuring out this comment thing), but we miss you too, Don! I know you're where you're supposed to be right now. Maybe it's so you can come back and help us with the grouchy ulcer lady. Keep pressing in...