Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We pray that you all have a great Thanksgiving today. We are planning to eat turkey with the Fickers and have our own little celebration here. Normally, we would be going to the Home today but because of the holiday, we went yesterday. We had a great day with the kids. Don spent most of the day rotating the kids through time on the computers. They just love playing on them. Even the ones who have never touched a mouse before are getting the hang of it. The computers are such a blessing to the kids.

Leslie, Don and Katie will be flying with Duane to San Pedro in Zona Reina for a clinic on Friday. The people in San Pedro are very isolated. Duane will land the plane on a grass strip. The people have to walk for about 3 hours just to get to a road and then much further to get to any kind of a hospital. They also do not know Jesus. Please pray for safety on Friday as well as for soft hearts ready to hear about what Jesus has done for them.

We so appreciate your support and prayers. Thanksgiving is all about giving thanks to God for His protection and provision that hard winter so long ago. We pray that He would be the center of your holiday today. May He bless the time that you have with your families. We pray for blessing over our families in the States as well. We miss you!

1 comment:

DanaDoesDesign said...

Don- thank you for calling David on Thanksgiving, I know it meant a lot for him to hear from you. I have been enjoying catching up on reading the blog, and sharing it with friends.

Love you all and think about you everyday!
