Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Caleb's favorite day so far

Wednesday, Duane & Joe needed to fly to Santa Cruz del Quiche. Duane needed to meet with a lawyer about Abi's adoption. They are having to start the paperwork all over again with a different lawyer. Please pray for a quick, easy adoption this time around. Abi is almost three and they have been waiting and praying for that many years.

Anyway, Duane asked if Caleb and I would like to come along for the ride. We also needed to do a little shopping at the Despensa Familiar (think micro-WalMart). This was Caleb's first time up in a small airplane and he loved it!

Here is me, scared!
(just kidding - Caleb loves it when I embarass him like this!)

The flight there went well. Our shopping took a little while but it went well also. We found fresh berries in the market which are a real treat here! I bought 10 lbs. of strawberries & 5 lbs. of blackberries for a little under $10. I'm getting french-toast with fresh blackberry syrup for breakfast tomorrow!

Here is Joe getting us ready to take off again to go back home.

Here is the view of the Ficker's property as we are coming into Canilla for a landing. (see our post from 8/23/08 for comparrison)

Rachel arrived to make sure that the runway was clear etc. Roaming cows are the most common trespasser. The airport is only about a mile from their home, so the Fickers usually drive 4-wheelers or motorcycles (plus its just more fun!) Rachel had driven a 4-wheeler, but rode home with Joe on the back of his motorcycle. That left a 4-wheeler for Caleb and me. Since we had the whole runway to work with, I let Caleb drive. After I realized I needed to hold on so I didn't fall off the back, I decided to let him drive the whole way home. We even stopped to fill up with gas. Here are a few pictures.

So, after a day with his dad, flying in an airplane and driving a 4-wheeler, I asked my son what his favorite part of today was. He replied, "both." I know that he meant to say that spending that much time with his dad was first - the plane ride and the 4-wheeler tied for second!

1 comment:

Keith said...

Don and Family...I'm checking in on you guys often. Glad to see that things seem to be going well.
Be safe and take care....
Kellie Neth (NMC BM lab)