Thursday, February 21, 2008

We have sold our Trailblazer!

We made a big step today. Don sold his trailblazer so that we can buy a Toyota that we will take with us to Guatemala. (We are still working on the details of getting a truck down there.) We will use part of the money to pay our house payment while we are gone. It makes the trip a little more real for us. Don has also talked to his boss about our options with his job. We had originally thought we would try for a "Leave of Absence" but we are feeling that this may put too much burden on the other PA's while we are gone. We are still working out the details on this, but we trust that the Lord will provide what we need for this trip but will also provide for us when we return. He is faithful!

We have a family who is planning on staying in our house while we are gone. They will take care of our dog and cats as well as move the snow and mow if necessary. This is such a huge burden lifted off of our shoulders. We pray that our house will be a blessing to them as well. More details to come!

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